The design for this book cover of Anthony Burgess' novel 'A Clockwork Orange' focuses on the symbolism of the title.
The juxtaposition between the organised power of the state represented by the mechanical clockwork exerting control and in stark contrast with the base natural human behaviour of the protagonist Alex, (the natural). The book asks whether it is better to have a society free from violence at the cost of free will. In allusion to the imagery and behaviour portrayed in the book, I wanted to create an eye catching almost garish design. The eye being forcibly held open by clockwork machinery is in direct reference to the rather graphic scene in which Alex is brainwashed into loosing his free will by the state. The reflective nonconforming typography utilises extra tails and serifs in a nod to Russian Cyrillic forms.
A reference to the 'Nadsat' slang based in Russian which Alex talks in.